
Scenario Planning Strategic Planinng Change Management

Scenario Planning
Strategic Planinng
Change Management


Balanced Scorecard
Systems integration


Organizational culture
Organizational structure
Employee surveys
360 Feedback
Group dynamics
Management training
Executive coaching


Six Sigma
Total Quality Management
Project Management
ISO 9000


We would all very much like to help you with your student projects. Unfortunately, time with our clients and not knowing the rules/expectations of your professors and university doesn't allow us to help you with your projects. As a rule, we do not reply to emails or phone calls asking for our help on student projects. You can quote our material here on this website, subject to the limitations in the Legal Stuff section.

We do, however, have some suggestions for you:

1) Use the ABIInform and Psyklit databases in your library.

2) Look at the material at the American Society for Quality, at

3) Review Dissertation Abstracts International in your library.

We wish you the best of luck. We've been there !